
My return

I am back!  It has been quite a while, longer then I can remember.  I didn’t aim to be this absent for this long but life just got in the way.

I was having too much fun playing with my baby boy, who has just turned 2 years old by the way!  Where on earth did the time go??

I am now expecting our second baby boy in 32 days!!!!  Sometimes I wonder how I am going to get through those next 32 days being as big and uncomfortable as I am.  Hopefully it will pass quickly.

Oh and I almost forgot, I recently got married.  On August 4th of this year I married my knight in shining armour.  It was a wonderful simple and intimate ceremony.  You can see the photos at GP Boxshall Photography’s Facebook Page or on his website.

I have some things planned for next year, apart from the new addition to our beautiful family of course. I want to do another Project 365 where I take a photo a day for the whole of 2013.  I did it and completed it in 2011 and it is amazing to go back and look at how things progressed and changed over the year.

Hope to see you along for the ride.

Shannon  x